First off, happy April Fools Day! I am not much for pranking personally anymore, I got my fill of it with my amazing day filled with magic ink in middle school, but have fun with it! And try not to put any whoopie cushions on my seat! Did you see the Zoya April Fools prank? Heres a recap if you missed it:

It looks like someone at Zoya has been stalking the NB! Our love for a good linear holo will not be teased! :-( Though hopefully this is a hint that Zoya gets the message and we can expect some holo from them in the future.
Speaking of holo, todays NOTD was ChG TTYL, the camera cant capture this well, its so truly amazing. I wanted something fun but not crazy, and this fit the bill, especially for the sunny weekend we are looking forward to! Last time I tried to wear holos the sun just wouldn't shine, so here is some holospammage for today!
Of course...*cough cough* I might not feel the need for that if someone would actually come out with LINEAR HOLOS!
OK, that's enough of that. Lastly, I just wanted to make an announcement that is definitely NOT an April Fools joke, this month at all US Sally's Beauty Supply they are having B2G1 on all nail polish (mix and match!), as well as a bunch of other stuff. Here is a link to their flyer if you are interested.
Later Lovers!
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